We welcome applications for places at the School at any time. Once you apply for a place, you will be notified by email – although please note that this does not guarantee a place at the School. You will receive a queue reference number, but you will not be able to see your position in the waiting list.
Children who already have a sibling at the school will be placed higher in the waiting list. Other considerations include how close a child lives to the school. Please note that we place students in the right class strictly based on their year of birth. For more information please read our Admissions policy in the policies section.
We review applications at the beginning of every year, a process that is finalised by the end of April. Late enrollments might also take place
during the months of June and August.
To apply for a place at the School, please click on the link for the relevant course, the Vasa International Bilingual IB programme.
Vasa International School of Stockholm is open to all. However, given that we cultivate an international environment, we recommend that students have some basic knowledge of English.
The Bilingual IB Programme is free of charge for both the Primary Years and Middle Years programmes.
Our International English Programme moved to International School of Kungsholmen in August 2022 and is now located at Stadshagsvägen 7.